What was tops in 2024?
One more year in the books!
Pretty much every year, either Dave or I do an end of the year round up highlighting the articles that you indicated where your favorites (based on views). I’m not going to post the actual numbers of each post, because I don’t want to embarrass Dave and Jim. Just kidding!
The list continues to grow and it’s always enlightening for us to go back and see what peaked your interest. We hope that perhaps as you are ramping 2025 up that you might take a second and revisit some of your favorites.
From Dave:
3 Items at XP Seminar
This one is action packed with thoughts on insurance, interest rates and integrity.
Avoiding Momentum Killers
The principles here are game-changers in heathy succession and transition. If you’re in the zone, check this out to make sure you aren’t “in the way.”
Good Leaving for Good Leaders
Great insights into finishing and leaving well.
Are you struggling in the the grind of day to day ministry. Dave has some great thoughts here including: G – Guilt-driven service, R – Relentless Pace … check out the post for I, N and D.
From Jim:
Should Pastors Know Who Gives What in the Church?
This was the top post by almost double. I love Jim’s insights on “why knowing matter.”
Beyond Tithes
Some interesting insights on the coming wealth transfer.
Giving in a New Era
Giving by individuals continues to be the overwhelming source of generosity but the patterns and motivations are changing. A must read!
Rebuilding Trust
In the 1970s, more than 60% of Americans trusted their local church. By 2023, that number has plummeted to 32%. What does this mean for giving and what can you do about it?
From me:
5 hour rule
Some thoughts on how 5 hour habits in reading, reflecting and experimenting can super boost your leadership.
Resourcing is Your #1 Job
Thoughts on doing a generosity audit around plans, philosophies, approaches and values.
Ensuring Success
Vital Questions for Onboarding New Church Leaders
DIY Succession
Why the “curse of knowledge” can lead to succession flops.
Looking forward to 2025!
The wisdom of well seasoned mentors and expert resources from multiple disciplines empower participants to tackle some of the most pressing issues and opportunities of our time. This collaborative community helps leaders bust through their leadership lids and create plans for accelerated results.
The groups are full for the fall, and the spring groups are filling fast. For more information on one of the following cohorts check out the overviews located here. If you sign up and pay by January 16, you will receive a $500 discount.
Leadwell Senior Pastors Finishing Well
Leadwell Senior Pastors - Next Gen
Note: Cohorts are by application only. If you're interested, contact me at greg@ligongroup.com or schedule a call here.
I’m excited to partner with Dave to bring the Pastor Smart Succession process to support you and your church as you enter the succession zone. We’ll walk with you each step of the way, helping you shape a “framed fit” for your future.
If you’re beginning to consider what’s next, I’d love to connect, learn more about your needs, and share how we can assist. You can shoot me an email at greg@ligongroup.com or you can schedule a call here.
Our 2025 calendars are beginning to fill!