864 words … less than three minute free read but the insights are priceless … :-)
Over the last couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to be on calls with a couple of churches that are considering working with me as they enter the “succession zone.” The lead pastor and their governance teams are beginning the conversations about what the current leader’s future role might be and who they might need as their future leader to ensure that the “story” of the church is seamless as the next chapter unfolds. I’d love to talk with you more (see info at the end of this post) about that if you sense you are entering “the zone.”
But really this post is about something totally different.
In each of these conversations, there was a request to “get to know me personally” before we even began to talk process and tools and outcomes. And as I recounted some of my story, I was reminded of experiences along the way that were crucibles for my learning and people that were guides for that learning. And after one of those calls last night I pulled out my iPad and opened a note in Evernote that I have used through the years to record insights garnered from these experiences and notes and quotes.
Following is a sampling of what I found. There is no central theme or thought given to the order, just a collection of some of my favorites. I offer them not necessarily because they are ones that I feel that you should adopt (though there are some that wouldn’t be bad), but rather to prompt you to take a moment to reflect back on your own leadership/life journey and remember what “got you here” and also what you are passing along to those you lead.
“Let God be as original with others as He was with you.” The reminder that God sees and meets us right where we are and the reminder that is how we should be with others.” Oswald Chambers
“100X” Bob Buford
“Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them.” Dr. Robert Jarvik, inventor of the Jarvik 7 artificial heart
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redman
“Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.” Leonard Bernstein
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” Coach John Wooden
“Great leaders don’t try to be perfect. Great leaders try to be themselves and that’s what makes them great.” Simon Sinek
“I used to be afraid of failing at the things that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.” Bob Goff
“There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience, and that is not learning from experience.” Archibald McLeish
“Do little things with great love.” Mother Teresa
“We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about face and walking back to the right road; and in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.” C. S. Lewis
“Fundamental question - "What's going on?" Peter Senge
“Clarity is kindness.” Author Unknown
The following are from Steve Moore, my campus pastor and mentor now of over 40 years.
“Every encounter is a divine encounter.”
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.”
“Character is built on the obedient use of those big 1/2 hours.”
“If you aim at nothing, you will surely hit it.”
“Words create worlds.”
“Doing is how we make a living, being is how we make a life.”
“Conflict is the price of deepening intimacy.
And one of my favorites … “It’s never too late to start doing what’s right.”
Ok, so what are yours? For real, I want to know! Shoot me an email at greg@ligongroup.com with a couple of your favorites. Anyone that submits will be entered into a drawing for a Amazon gift card.
If you are 55+ and beginning to think about what’s next after your hand over the “lead pastor keys,” our Senior Pastors Finishing Well is a great place to begin that journey. You can read more about the experience here. The next group launches November 5.
Note: Cohorts are by invitation only. If you're interested, contact me ASAP at greg@ligongroup.com or schedule a call here.
I’m excited to partner with Dave to bring the Pastor Smart Succession process to support you and your church as you enter the succession zone. We’ll walk with you each step of the way, helping you shape a “framed fit” for your future.
If you’re beginning to consider what’s next, I’d love to connect, learn more about your needs, and share how we can assist. You can schedule a call here.