Serving Seven Days a Week: Church Spaces as Vibrant Community Destinations
Insights from Innovators - Part 3
As a reminder … I have the great privilege of getting to connect with amazing leaders most every week. In every case, I come away richer for the insight from these innovative leaders. In my last two posts, I shared insights here about “Knowing Your People” and here about Discipleship. If you happened to miss it, you can take a look at it here.
This time around, I want to share a couple of thoughts about Activating Spaces. What is activating spaces you may ask? Good question.
The shorthand definition is this:
Looking for ways to intentionally design, build and use facilities that create opportunities to serve the community from Monday to Saturday.
The facilities lead with an offering that brings people to the campus or adjacent property to meet a need they may have. In the examples I have had the chance to see over the last month, those needs range from food markets to child care facilities to event spaces to coffee shops to outdoor recreation facilities. They are all community based need driven locations.
So who’s doing this? Check out the following two models from National Community Church, Washington, DC and Chase Oaks Church, Plano, Texas.
National Community Church, Washington, DC
National Community Church’s model is branded Capital Turnaround. The building they purchased covers an entire city block just across from the Navy Yard (and near the National’s Ballpark). The name carries two meanings. The first is very literal. The historical building was the turnaround location for DC trolleys back in the day. And, of course NCC is committed, in partnership with the community to be a part of the turnaround of the area.

The first phase seen in the picture above includes a Phase Family Center which provides quality child care for the growing area. It’s a need and they are meeting it. The first phase also includes an event space that seats 900. It is used for worship on the weekends but leased throughout the week as a venue for concerts, corporate training sessions. They also give away access to this space to the numerous non-profit ministries that have national headquarters in the city. Phase two will open up the center of the building creating a large courtyard, mall area that will feature various retail opportunities.
Chase Oaks Church, Plano, TX

A couple of years ago, Chase Oaks Church expanded their long time commitment to love their committee through their “Doing Good Together” initiatives. The latest chapter in the book is the Local Goods Coffee Co.. The space is an amazing place to gather for early morning business coffees, mid-day lunch or just an afternoon coffee. The coffee and food is amazing (all sourced through local businesses) and the space also showcases a central area called “The Library” that is perfect for small meetings that require digital connections and great collaboration space. All the net proceeds go to support local initiatives.

In addition to the coffee shop and meeting space, Local Goods Coffee Co. offers pickleball courts, outdoor basketball court, sand volleyball and a massive patio and lawn to host area musicians. The grand opening was accompanied by a community 5K, again raising money for local causes. (The middle picture is at another of their projects - The Local Good Center that provides scores of services for the East Plano neighborhood.
Exciting kingdom ventures!
Again, I would love to hear back from you. What other models are you seeing? Are there adjacent insights that you are aware of and would be willing to share. Shoot me an email ( at or schedule a time that works for you here to talk further.
And don’t forget …
Leadwell Cohorts
If you are looking for a community of peers to navigate church, leadership and life with, consider applying for one of my Leadwell Cohorts. We have groups for Next Gen Senior Pastors, Executive Pastors and Senior Pastors Finishing Well. The spring groups are full and fall groups are forming now.
Cohorts are by invitation only. If you are interested, contact me ASAP either via email at or by scheduling a call here.
P.S. Check out the group pics above to see folks in our XP Cohort and Next Gen Senior Pastor Cohort. All of our meetings are held at churches that give you an opportunity to be exposed to some unique innovative ministry.
Pastor Smart Succession
I’m partnering with Dave in bringing the Pastor Smart Succession process to come alongside you and your church as you enter the succession zone. We walk with you each step of the way as you shape a “framed fit” for your future.
If you are beginning to think about what’s next, I’d love to connect and learn more and share more about how we can help. You can schedule a call here.